250m MODIS Tile Data

Tile data is in GeoTIFF format. Each tile is 4800x4800 in MODIS Sinusoidal projection. A map of MODIS tiles can be found here.

250m Cropland Probability

250m Discrete Cropland/Not-Cropland

1km Global Mosaics
Mosaic data is in GeoTiff format and is in both Sinusoidal and Goodes' Homolosine projections. The resolution of each is approximately 1km and is a spatially degraded version of the 250m products available by MODIS tile.

These data may be used for valid scientific or educational purposes as long as proper citations are used. We ask that you credit the Global Cropland Extent data as follows:

Pittman, K., Hansen, M.C., Becker-Reshef, I., Potapov, P.V., Justice, C.O. (2010) Estimating Global Cropland Extent with Multi-year MODIS Data. Remote Sensing, in press.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Matthew Hansen
Department of Geographical Sciences - UMD
Phone: (301) 405-9714

Dr. Peter Potapov
Department of Geographical Sciences - UMD
Phone: (301) 405-2129