Hansen, M.C., Potapov, P.V., Goetz, S.J.,Turubanova, S., Tyukavina, A., Krylov, A., Kommareddy, A., Egorov, A. (2016) Mapping tree height distributions in Sub-Saharan Africa using Landsat 7 and 8 data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 185, 221-232.
Hansen, M.C., Potapov, P.V., Goetz, S.J.,Turubanova, S., Tyukavina, A., Krylov, A., Kommareddy, A., Egorov, A. (2016) Mapping tree height distributions in Sub-Saharan Africa using Landsat 7 and 8 data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 185, 221-232.