Alexander Krylov
Remote Sensing Scientist
Graduated from the Moscow State Forest University in 2005. After graduating, he worked for Russian Forest Health Center, where he focused on remote sensing of natural forest disturbance. Now Alexander's research is focused on the global and regional forest cover dynamic assessment and Landsat based near real-time forest monitoring.
Krylov A., McCarty J.L, Potapov P., Turubanova S., Prishchepov A., Manisha A., Romanenkov V., Rukhovitch D., Koroleva P., Hansen M. C. (2014). Fire Regime and Land Abandonment in European Russia: Case Study of Smolensk Oblast. International LCLUC Regional Science Meeting in Central Europe, Sopron, Hungary 16 Oct – 22 Oct
Krylov A., McCarty J.L, Potapov P., Turubanova S., Prishchepov A., Manisha A., Romanenkov V., Rukhovitch D., Koroleva P., Hansen M. C. (2014). Fire Regime and Land Abandonment in European Russia: Case Study of Smolensk Oblast. Abstract GC33E-0576 presented at the 2014 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, CA 15-19 Dec.
King L., Hansen M., Krylov A., Song X., Potapov P., Stehman S. (2014) Advancing Methods for Estimating Cropland Area. Abstract B33E-0228 presented at the 2014 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, CA 15-19 Dec.
Chen D., Krylov A., Potapov P., Loboda T. (2014) Mapping post-disturbance stand age distribution in Siberian larch forest based on a novel method. Abstract GC31B-0465 presented at the 2014 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, CA 15-19 Dec.
Krylov, A., McCarty, J., Potapov, P., Loboda, T., Tyukavina, A., Turubanova, S., Hansen, M. (2014) Remote sensing estimates of stand-replacement fires in Russia, 2002-2011 NASA LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting 2014 Rockville, MD April 23-25
Krylov A., Potapov, P., Sobolev A., Malahova E., Lipatkin V. (2014) Landsat base spruce forest decline monitoring. Actual Problems in Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space, Moscow, Russia, 10 – 14 Nov
Radeloff V.C., Ozdogan M., Alix-Garcia J., Gehlbach S., Pidgeon A.M. Potapov P., Krylov A., et al. (2014) Land Cover and Land Use Change in Eastern Europe. International LCLUC Regional Science Meeting in Central Europe, Sopron, Hungary 16 Oct – 22 Oct
McCarty, J.L., Potapov, P., Prishchepov, A., Hansen, M.C., Turubanova, S., Krylov, A., and A. Tyukavina. 2014. The role of environmental, socioeconomic, institutional, and land-cover/ land-use change factors to explain the pattern and drivers of anthropogenic fires in post-Soviet Eastern Europe: a case study comparison of Belarus, European Russia, and Lithuania. Annual NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting, Rockville, MD, 23-25 April 2014.